Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What keeps me occupied.

Aside from logan and school and trying to find a job and and and....

I recently found this addictive annoyinh webgame.

The bonuses are that it is quick and has a pause button :)

Hers is the link:

Given it a shot and post your best score and I can see how much better I am at computer games than you are :P

Also just to wrap up one of my books on my current reading list, I'll give a quick review of : Darwin's Black Box

Ready? here goes:

Life is really really really really really really really really really complex therefore there is a god!

I have to admit the biological information in the book was way over my head( finally found something challenging to read ) but his basic premis could have been summed up in about 1/4 of the space he used and he just repeated himself over and over. It seems to the author that complexity rules out evolution but to be honest complexity only rules out evolution as we have seen it in recorded history. I don't think it is fair to discount a theory based of 5000 years of obsevation when there is 5000000000 years of information out there.

1 comment:

Tyler Robinson said...

Yeah, Evolution has its faults there is no question it is not the answer to all of our questions, however. God?? Seriously. Now that theory has some holes.