Friday, April 13, 2007

3rd class oh my!

Well it looks like I am finally a third class power engineer! Only manitoba certified I still have to pass my course to be interprovincially ceritified!:( oh well! If those are the hoops I gotta jump through, HOP ON!!!

Can anyone reading this explain second moments of area to me and tell me what dimension m^4 falls into? cause my mechanics class is getting confusing. Tyler? anyone? :p

Definatle going to go for my 2nd class, just not right now. I have a chance to do the first thre papers in early may and I am going to attempt them all. Not confident on my passing them but I want to take a look at them so the next time when I really give them an honest try I will know what to expect.


sis said...

Good work! Good luck on the rest. No idea how to help you with your questions....

Darrin Asinger said...

pfft you are no good to me :P

ask that hubby of yours

Tyler Robinson said...

I never took any of that garbage when i went to school.
Well... I am a Mechanical Coordinator but I still wont be any help to you. I am mostly a glorified parts guy at the automotives counter. Sorry.

Tyler Robinson said...

Congrats on the 3rd Class!